writing for children blog

ICL’s weekly blog article features freelance writer Jan Fields.

With over 100 published books and magazine articles, Jan delivers first-hand knowledge on how to sharpen, submit, and market your writing. Jan’s articles explore inevitable writing struggles and offers tireless strategies and techniques to support you in reaching your writing goals.


Asking Questions

You know that tiring toddler stage where your child asks questions and never stops? Poke your inner toddler and stir your curiosity. Dive in to read more!

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Misunderstood Verbs

Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter We teach our students how to write and get published! View our Course Catalog > Verbs are

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Is This Real Writing?

Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter We teach our students how to write and get published! View our Course Catalog > Writers tend

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Overcoming Fear

Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter We teach our students how to write and get published! View our Course Catalog > Talk about

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Listening To the Voices

Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter We teach our students how to write and get published! View our Course Catalog > I recently

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Self-Care Matters

Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter We teach our students how to write and get published! View our Course Catalog > Writing never

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1000 N. West Street #1200, Wilmington, DE 19801


© 2024 Direct Learning Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Licensure & Memberships

Recommended for college credits by the Connecticut Board for State Academic Awards

College credits obtained through Charter Oak State College

Approved as a private business and trade school in the state of Delaware

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© 2024 Direct Learning Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.


1000 N. West Street #1200, Wilmington, DE 19801


© 2024 Direct Learning Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 

Institute for Writers LLC BBB Business Review