writing for adults blog

We teach our students how to write and get published.

Learn from published authors who have spent decades perfecting their writing craft. Our bi-weekly posts offer ways to improve your craft and support your writing for adult genres such as romance, mystery, thriller, horror, and adventure.


Worldbuilding Checklist

Worldbuilding is usually associated with speculative fiction writers, but even historical, memoir, and romance authors must create a world for their characters.

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Facebook Twitter We teach our students how to write and get published! View our Course Catalog > My hands are cracking from washing them so

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My Body, Myself

Facebook Twitter We teach our students how to write and get published! View our Course Catalog > The architect Suchi Reddy said, “We build our

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List Poems

Facebook Twitter We teach our students how to write and get published! View our Course Catalog > List poems have an off-hand quality, as though

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Time for a Sound Check?

Facebook Twitter We teach our students how to write and get published! View our Course Catalog > “Hearing” your manuscript with a reader’s ear As

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Polishing the Point of View

Today we focus on ways to intensify a third-person point of view to achieve a close third person viewpoint drawing readers deeply inside a character’s POV.

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Punctuating Dialogue

Properly punctuating dialogue trips up even the most seasoned of writers. Bookmark this post to help you as you proofread your manuscript for submission.

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Recommended for college credits by the Connecticut Board for State Academic Awards

College credits obtained through Charter Oak State College

Approved as a private business and trade school in the state of Delaware

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© 2024 Direct Learning Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.


1000 N. West Street #1200, Wilmington, DE 19801


© 2024 Direct Learning Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 

Institute for Writers LLC BBB Business Review